Sunday, August 8, 2010

who died...and made you king of anything?

i woke up and the first thing i thought was: i'm 26. immediately followed by who the fuck are you?! no im kidding, but i really did think that this morning. how did this happen!? forever 21 my fucking, not the store.

taking a break from (excessive) drinking and concentrating on my health. rolls belong in a bread basket, not on me.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

summertime, in the n-y-c.

i'll attempt to sleep without the a/c tonight since the humidity drastically dropped. we'll see if i survive.

summer has been all sorts of fun. visitors, upcoming visitors, and finally, turning 26. i've never been one to make a big fuss about a bday, and i still won't, but something about 26 makes me feel...old. yes, it's not per se, but shit, i'm not in that "mid" stage anymore of my twenties. i've definitely accomplished many things at 25, but maybe i'm dreading turning another year older because i haven't set any goals for myself this year. i have a little over a week to brainstorm.

is it sad to say i've lost more trust in people in recent months? i wonder if ny has somewhat toughened me in terms of letting people in and how much they need to know. maybe it just needs to be a facade until otherwise noted...i'll keep people at a distance because it takes more time and effort to explain how i operate.

to what will probably be another scorching month...and i haven't even gotten any darker yet. psh.

Saturday, April 24, 2010

the night starts here.

the time we have
the task at hand
the love it takes
to destroy a man.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


my girls a.keys and c.b.r. gets me through the tough(er) days. yes, they are my personal friends so i can call them my girls. lol.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

it ain't new years yet.

i refuse to believe its a brand new year. i've accepted that its 2010, but i dont feel new and cleansed and all that jazz you're supposed to feel in a new year. so, me being me and how in my world, i control whatever the fuck i want, my "new year" doesn't begin until feb. 14th when the lunar new year kicks in. i'm asian; i can do that.

recaps to live by:
- love your friends and family - they will get you through ANYTHING as long as they have an open heart and mind...and occasionally an open wallet for those nights of drinking everything away.
- respect your neighbors - sometimes you're forced to go upstairs and complain at their bitch ass for playing unpleasant music at odd hours and because you've been nice, they will stfu and turn that beezie miley down.
- follow your heart - you only have one, might as well listen to that thing.
- don't live in regret - because as my near and dear friend would say, "we're too blessed to be stressed". and trust, i'm madddd blessed.

happy almost new year!